First Name
Last Name
Today's Date
Session Date Request (out of the given options)
Will you be using my client closet?
If so, be sure to let me know gown requested!
Session Request
Collection One $300
Collection Two $400
Breastmilk Necklace $120
Hair and Makeup $175
Hair $90
Makeup $90
Wings $60
Tumber Picks! (pick type AND color)
1-Custom floral with name (40oz with handle)
2-Light pink
2-Sage (Custom ONLY)
List birth month of ALL kids
Session Information & Understanding:
This contract is written for the purpose of family or personal portraits. The signing of this contract states the client understands that it is their choice to participate in these photos and the client will not hold studio responsible for any negative actions or feelings that may commence due to the images of this shoot. The client understands that they will decide whether or not these images are made public and will make studio aware of these preferences. Based off the print/product agreement, the client is agreeable to the terms, conditions, and timeline of the session, and the delivery of images and products. The client states that they are 18 years or older. If the client is not 18 years or older, they understand a parent or legal guardian is required to sign this contract as well.
If you would like to purchase additional products or prints, please visit our website. Prices are subject to change at any time without client notification. This contract solidifies the package contents and price at the time of booking. This contract is specifically for services and products purchased on purchase date.
Any addendums made to this contract must be agreed upon, in writing, by all parties involved.
Payment Arrangements:
The retainer deposit of $250 is due at the signing of this contract. The remainder of the package amount is due the day of the scheduled session, prior to the start of shooting. The studio reserves the right to refuse services/products if the payment arrangements have not been met unless prior arrangements have been made.
For extended payment plans, Studio will not deliver digital, proofs, or physical products until the full payment of the session fee and selected collection is paid in full.
Payment Stipulations:
There is a $25 fee for any returned checks. In the event of a previous returned check by client, studio reserves the right to refuse payment of checks in the future, in which case cash, money order, cashier’s check, and debit/credit will be accepted.
Schedule Arrangements:
Due to the nature of the session, a strict timeline will be enforced to ensure the package obligations are met. The session will start at the scheduled start time even if the client is tardy or unprepared. The session end time will remain the same. PLEASE ARRIVE 10-15 MINUTES EARLY IF AN OUTFIT CHANGE IS NECESSARY. Studio will wait 15 minutes into scheduled session time if running tardy, after 15 minutes studio will leave location and a reschedule date will need to be booked. If a reschedule date is necessary, the original retainer shall be forfeited and client will be responsible for additional retainer to book a future date. If additional time is needed, client will have the option to purchase based off the a la carte pricing menu for additional time. If you have more than one location for your session, the travel time going from destination A to destination B so forth does count towards the total amount of the session time. The same applies for outfit changes; changing from one outfit to another does count towards the total amount of the session time. The client is responsible for providing any props or outfits that are to be used within the session. Studio will not be held responsible for additional sessions needed due to forgotten items.
Additional Fees:
In the event that the client specifies a certain location to be used during the shoot, the client is responsible for all location fees involved such as location access fees, parking, etc. Client is also responsible for arranging the location access and any permits/passes related to doing so.
Additional fees may be assessed for the adding of more than one person within this portrait session.
Studio is not held responsible for behavior of parties involved with the shoot, with the exception of studio personnel. If the desired outcome of your session is jeopardized by the behaviors of parties involved with the exception of studio personnel, studio cannot be held responsible.
Client Usage Rights/Copyrights:
The photographs produced by studio are protected by Federal Copyright Law (all rights reserved) and may not be reproduced in any manner without studio explicit written permission. It is a breach of this contract to reproduce the images in any form unless rights were purchased within the package for those images.
Client reserves the right to post images on social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter. It is a breach of this contract to crop/hide studio logo.
There will be limited copyright ownership of the images delivered via digital album under these conditions:
Commercial use of these photos is prohibited. These images are for personal use only, and may be reproduced for the purpose of sharing with friends and family.
In the event that these photos will be published, sold for profit or used within marketing materials, the client must obtain written permission from -- and compensate studio -- prior to the release. An additional contract will be needed at that time.
Studio Usage Rights/Copyrights:
Client grants Studio unrestricted usage rights and copyrights to use and publish photographs in any manner or medium. Client grants Studio permission to use images taken within this session in sample albums, marketing materials, editorial, online web presences, including but not limited to, website, social networks, blog, etc. Images may also be used in photographic competitions and for publication in which case the client will release all profits from images.
In the event that client wishes the images to be kept private and not displayed anywhere publicly, on the Internet or otherwise, please notify studio and contract will be updated.
Reshoot Policy:
In the event that studio is required by the client to reshoot the session without 7 days prior notice, the client will be responsible for an additional retainer deposit to secure that date.
In the event that the weather conditions are not desirable for the shoot based on studio recommendations, the session will need to be rescheduled and the fee will be waived. Due to liability and equipment damages, this decision will be at studio discretion.
In the event that a reshoot has been scheduled due to the nature of the client appearance in the previous session, the client is held responsible for purchasing an additional package.
Limit of Liability:
In the unlikely event that the photographer is injured or becomes too ill to photograph the session, studio will make every effort to secure a replacement photographer unless otherwise specified by the client. If the situation should occur and a suitable replacement is not found or accepted, a reshoot will be scheduled for the next available time slot. In the unlikely event that photographs have been lost, stolen or destroyed for reasons within or beyond studio control, studio liability is limited to the return of all payments received for the portrait session. The limit of liability for a partial loss of originals will be a prorated amount of the exposures lost based on the percentage of total number of originals.
Completion Schedule:
Due to the nature of sessions, completion and product delivery time may vary. Delivery of the proofs album takes approximately 7 days, after the selected images are chosen by the client, the editing and delivery process can begin. Editing and image delivery takes approximately 6 to 8 weeks, but may take longer. ONLY the edited images are delivered in the final album and can be printed. Proofs images are not included in the package. In the event that image delivery is outside of this time, the CLIENT will be notified via email before the due date.
Photos will be edited to fit the Studio's portfolio. Studio does not photoshop or remove any permanent features (such as birth marks, wrinkles, scars) unless previously discussed and agreed upon. If the Client would like additional editing or retouching, it must be agreed upon BEFORE session. If not previously agreed upon, there will be a "retouching fee" charge per image of $75.
Proofs album will stay active for 2 WEEKS in order for client to select images to be edited and delivered. Studio will send client an email, Facebook message, or text (whichever form of communication was used in the booking process) to verify with client that the proofs album was delivered. After 2 WEEKS the proofs album will be archived and saved to an external hard drive. There will be a $150 fee in order to restore those files which will allow the client an additional 2 WEEKS to choose their images to be edited and delivered. Studio cannot be help liable for any files lost after the 2 week period due to technical difficulties of the external hard drive.
Final albums are sent via pixiset online gallery. These galleries stay active for 30 days. After the initial 30 days, the album will be archived. It is highly suggested that client downloads and backs up their final album. Studio cannot be held responsible for any lost photos after 30 day due to technical errors.
By agreeing to a photography session with Magnolia Grey Images, I am hereby waiving, releasing, and discharging Magnolia Grey Images and all its affiliates, from any and all liability, including but not limited to, liability arising from the negligence or fault of the entities or persons released, for death, disability, personal injury, property damage, property theft, or actions of any kind which may hereafter occur to me or my family including my traveling to and from this event. Magnolia Grey Images is not responsible for any injuries inflicted upon any participating parties. Client(s) will be responsible for their children and for themselves and release photographer from any claims against their person or their business. Client swears that each person is participating voluntarily in the said photography session and forfeit all right to bring a suit against Kristin Reeder or Magnolia Grey Images for any reason.
In the unlikely event that photographs have been lost, stolen or destroyed for reasons within or beyond studio control, studio liability is limited to the return of all payments received for the portrait session. The limit of liability for a partial loss of originals will be a prorated amount of the exposures lost based on the percentage of total number of originals.
Print Credit:
Client's print credit can only be used for images included in the final album. Print credit can not be used to purchase more digital images, only printed products ordered through Studio. Print credit can not be exchanged for cash value.
By submitting this form to Studio, Client is agreeing to all terms and conditions set forth in contract.