2 Images FWL Event


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5 Images FWL Event


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June 15th Reservation


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Fed with Love Event

For up to date info, be sure to join our Facebook Group

Annual nursing photography event. Free to attend for everyone and you leave with a complimentary group image. By filling out the form below you are agreeing to all conditions listed in contract below. There is also a FAQ question for basic info on the event.




Can I participate if I am not nursing?

Absolutely! That’s why the event is called FED with love. We have had moms show up with pumps and feeding systems. This journey looks different for everyone.


How it works?

Very fast breakdown: after you fill out the form you are added to my running list of participants. You are added in order of contract submission. I add my list to the FWL Facebook group and we will have SEVERAL confirmation posts. Shooting day comes! We usually ask the greenery ladies to show up first so we can start those ASAP while waiting for the group to show up. We do the group shot, finish up the greenery ladies, then start the water group! I do my best to go in shooting order as stated in the FWL group. I then send out proof albums, you’ll be tagged in a FWL proofs thread (in the FWL group) and you’re able to purchase your individual images. Editing time can be LONG for these, 6-9 weeks LONG. I will likely allow ONE image for everyone to be edited and sent ASAP for those purchasing individual images. Then you receive your final album! All albums are sent through your previously provided emails and these are confirmed for the shooting order.

What is the pricing of individual images?

While the GROUP photo is complimentary, individual photos must be purchased separately. Pricing is $50 for 2 image, $120 for 5. Beyond 5, images are $75 per photo.


What do I wear?

Jewel tones!! My photography is best with COLOR. You and baby should be in opposite colors though so you’re not blending!

May my other children attend?

Short answer, YES! We’re all mom’s and we get it. But please keep in mind there will be A LOT going on. The event is VERY fast paced and a lot of movement. No additional child care will be provided. We also ask if you do bring additional child that you do not allow them to interrupt others sessions. If your children are disturbing others, you may be asked to move to a different area.